American WMP History - The Texas Stud
The Texas Stud
by Cherry Wilson and Claudia Novak
for the1987 American National Welsh Pony and Cob Yearbook (all photos courtesy of Bristol Pony Farm)
Time changes all things. People and ponies come and go. With the years, even the land changes. The Goodrich Ranch in Lampasas, Texas is an extraordinary example of how one man's dream can stop "time". Here in the rocky central Texas hills the spirits of Criban Sonnet, Revel Glamyr Girl, Square Flight and many others still roam. The stallions Bolgoed Squire, Clan Dana, Clan Glomadh, Owain Glyndwr, Revel Frolic, Revel Gold and Hartmoor Rhymer reigned over one of the largest imported Welsh broodmare bands ever seen in North America. From these ponies have come the cornerstones of many Welsh pony studs. It is here the greatest Welsh Stud in this country flourished, the likes of which will not be seen again.
The man of this dream was Robert Goodrich. Born in Montgomery County, Missouri, Mr. Goodrich attended school in Norman, Oklahoma and graduated from the University of Oklahoma, where his major was geology. He also studied agriculture at Oklahoma State University. Robert Goodrich's family was part of American and Texan history. His great-great grandfather, John Hart was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Over the years he raised registered Hereford cattle on the Silver Creek Farm, worked as a geologist in Mexico and was employed in geological and land department studies for an oil company in Tulsa . Mr. Goodrich was a noteworthy judge of cattle and Quarter Horses and for many years an inspector of Quarter Horses. Robert Goodrich was a Vice President and Director of the Welsh Pony Society of America and he was President of the Rio Oil Corporation from 1928 to 1947.
During the depression years of the 1930's, Mr. Goodrich bought several adjoining ranches totaling close to 30,000 acres located about 18 miles outside Lampasas. He wanted a weekend retreat from his office in the city of Fort Worth . At one time sheep and two varieties of goats were raised on the ranch. A registered Quarter Horse herd was dispersed in 1947. "Old Headquarters" was an existing ranch house when the property was bought and is still the working heart of the Goodrich Ranch. Here are the main barns, cattle shoots and stallion traps. Several miles further inward are the present "Headquarters". This massive yet elegant stone house sports full length square pillars along the front. From beneath these pillars. a panoramic view of Lake Buchannan roughly seven miles away can be seen. Hanging on one wall inside the house is a large map of the ranch marking the many roads and other houses still maintained by the ranch.
The sheer size of the ranch is hard to comprehend. Each pasture of the ranch is named such as Bull Trap (790 acres). Grey Mountain, Sycamore, Green and Little Green (only 300 acres). The terrain is rocky and varied with many ravines, stream beds and rolling hills. On one drive across the ranch in search of ponies we saw many cattle, Spanish goats with horns of incredible curl and length and one huge Long Horn who wanders where he wishes since no fence can truly hold him. Wildlife is plentiful and varied. At one stop, two armadillos casually walked up to our car. Another stop gave us a lovely sight of a small flock of wild turkeys. We were also told that wild predators still roam the ranch. Wild whitetail deer are plentiful and one carefully watched us from the road side. Even though the climate of the region is semi-arid (rainfall 30" to a low of 10" per annum) curly mesquite grass and live oak trees abound. The buffalo grass that looks sparse at first inspection is extremely hardy and highly nutritious with a high mineral content derived from the underlying limestone aquifer. Temperatures range from 0 degrees in the winter to 110 degrees in the summer.
The Texas Stud was founded in 1955 by Robert Goodrich. After searching the United States for suitable children's mounts for his step-children and future grandchildren, it was determined that Welsh would be ideal. That magical quality of the Welsh that combines beauty, hardiness, personality and spirit certainly captured Robert Goodrich. Mr. Goodrich, not being a young man. said he did not have time to upgrade a herd from mediocre stock, but would start with the best and on a large scale. Even though Mr. Goodrich was new to the breed his excellent horseman's eye and knowledge gave him a rare insight. Three trips to England and Wales searching out various breeders and traveling the hills of Wales gave him his foundation stock and lasting friendships. Mr. Goodrich was equally at home with the Welsh farmer discussing cattle and sheep as he was with Welsh Ponies. A.R. McNaught (father of Mrs. Mountain) and he formed a lasting relationship. Throughout all his travels he kept complete notebooks of all ponies that he saw.
The following is taken directly from one of Mr. Goodrich's personal notebooks. "SECTION A. Head short, Arab, ears short, well placed, eyes big. alert, hazel or dark. Nostrils large, teeth mesh. age, jaw, stud. neck not too short. slight crested in stallion. Shoulders sloping. Not flat, withers prominent back 30 1/2", not sway height 48". Croup long. not sloping. tail head high not deep. Depth plenty heart girth not barrel bodied. Body not wide or beefy. Chest roomy. underline good, genitals, Thigh and gaskin good, quarters full. Legs straight. short, hocks apart. Bone flat, cannons and shanks short. pasterns. not coon footed. Hoofs black, roomy, frog solid, but not too hard. Feathers. fine, not too much look for bumps, splints, knots. Travels straight, leads with toes, movement. not pony leg action. Must use shoulders, lift hocks, not hackney action. General conformation and balance, carriage, presence. Disposition: Quiet, friendly. gentle, family bloodlines. foals if any for features or barrenness. Skin dark. Face dished. See Dams and sire."
These marvelous notebooks are not only full of complete descriptions of the many ponies he saw but also interesting and humorous comments. Upon writing about Clan Glomadh, "Good disposition? Bit Mc (A.R. McNaught. his owner). In another book he quotes the following: "Mr. McNaught says OK to breed father to daughter, but not son to dam. Mc says 3 hours (as soon as standing) colt will look as he does when 6." These notebooks also give a feeling for his insight when he makes comments about a stallion "Dishes, wrong exercise when young. Colts don't dish."
A complete list of all ponies imported by Robert Goodrich will be included at the end of this article. Seven stallions were imported to the Goodrich Ranch. 41 mares and fillies were imported. Twenty foals were imported inutero. All of these ponies were "catalogued" upon reaching the Goodrich Ranch with complete measurements of their head size, size of ears, width between eyes, length of cannon bone, length of back, etc. Mother, sire, granddam and grandsire! Mr. Goodrich had a "masterplan". In some cases even before purchasing a pony he would note that it would be excellent to breed a certain individual to a stallion that he already owned. Even though Robert Goodrich only saw three foal crops on the ground, his plans were carried on until 1963 to 1967 when a majority of the stud was dispersed.
Trying to find the correct place to start with the ponies that Mr. Goodrich imported and owned is difficult. Three "landmark" stallions of Welsh pony history seem to play the major role: Dyoll Starlight, Bowdler Brightlight, and Coed Coch Glyndwr. The mare lines of the oldest breeding of the Criban stud were highly prized. Contrary to some beliefs, out crosses to Tan- Y -Bwlch Berwyn were not feared by Mr. Goodrich as to "ruin" Welsh pony type.
Perhaps it is easiest to first discuss the only non-imported Welsh stallion that stood at the Goodrich Ranch. In 1957 Farnley Sundial 1306 (Bowdler Brightlight 1303 X Criban Sunray 1191 (8979)) a grey stallion about 12 hands born in 1949 was purchased. He had already made a name for himself producing several outstanding foals including Farnley Sunstone who went to Mrs. du Pont's Liseter Farm and all Liseter ponies with Sun in their names are direct decedents. Farnley Sundial was also full brother to Farnley Fairlight (dam of Liseter Shooting Star) who was another great producer for Liseter. I have always found the following comment in William Simpson's Welsh Lore interesting: "In 1957 or thereabouts Mr. Goodrich purchased another sire that the writer priced but to no avail (we feel quite flattered that some of these sires that we wanted to buy and could not get a price on were purchased by notable breeders) and this was the grey Farnley Sundial. by Bowdler Brightlight and out of Criban Sunray, from Farnley Farm, White Post, VA. We have always liked Sundial's foals." Farnley Sundial combined the blood of old Mathrafal and Criban ponies with that of Dyoll Starlight.
The only stallion that Robert Goodrich imported that did not include a complete "family" was Revel Frolic 1930 (2194) (Revel Light X Revel Fun 980 F.S.II). Revel Frolic's sire Revel Light was by Pendock Playboy (Bowdler Blueboy X Craven Tosca). Revel Frolic's dam was by Pendock Playboy I. Revel Light was out of Winestead Larina. Revel Fun's dam Revel Mysteria was out of Winestead Larina. Only 3 of these ponies' lines do not closely trace to Dyoll Starlight. To say this pony was highly inbred would be an understatement. To trace all the family lines of this pony I would suggest "checking out" Chapter Seven of Wynne Davies "Welsh Ponies and Cobs" which he devotes to Revel Light. One relative of Revel Frolic that did come to the United States was Wentworth Silver Cream 1934 (9175) (CWM Cream of Eppynt X Winestead Larina), Her cousin Revel Copy 1931 (10406) (Clenford Julian X Revel Charm) was a Cwm Cream of Eppynt and Criban Chief granddaughter. She came over in foal to a Criban Winston son and produced Texas Carbon Copy,
Even though Bolgoed Squire never produced a pony with the Texas stud prefix, Robert Goodrich purchased this pony over the phone only two days after seeing him in 1955. To quote his notebooks, "Looks and acts like a stud, He's neither broad or narrow rather massive. eyes fairly good and low set. Bone - Plenty, Presence - Plenty. Bolgoed Squire 2015 (1681) (Grove Sprightly X Grove Peep O'Day) was a grey stallion born in 1938 of 11:2 1/2 hands. Bolgoed Squire's pedigree is one of the finest being not only a full brother to Tregoyd Starlight. the 1949 Royal Welsh winner. but over 40% linebred Dyoll Starlight. Bolgoed Squire is one of the oldest Section A stallions to ever be imported to this country. In 1955 his daughter Cui Damsel 2011 (9376) (Bolgoed Squire X Criban Fancy Lady) was brought over. Criban Fancy Lady (half sister to Dyrin Goldf1ake) was by Criban Cockade out of Criban Mistress and her dam Criban Mistress was closely related to William (the foundation stallion of Liseter Stud) being by Criban Chief out of Criban Chestnut Swell who was of the oldest Forest and Criban breeding. Cui Damsel was considered by Robert Goodrich as one of his above average mares,
Cui Damsel's most famous son, Revel Gold 1929 (2145) (Dyrin Goldf1ake x) was imported in 1955. Revel Gold served two important functions in the development of the Texas Stud. First of all, he continued Robert Goodrich's program of linebreeding plus he introduced "color" into the herd. Mr. Goodrich was very fond of color and palomino was among his favorites. Before purchasing Revel Gold, his sire Dyrin Goldf1ake was very "carefully" checked out! Dyrin Goldf1ake was out of Criban Vanity (Criban Winston x Criban White Lark). Criban Winston (x Criban Blonde) was one of the first sons of Coed Coch Glyndwr and to the best of my knowledge Criban Winston had more get than any other son of Coed Coch Glyndwr! The sire of Dyrin Goldf1ake was Criban Cockade (Ness Commander x Criban Socks) and his dam Criban Socks is considered by many as one of the most beautiful Section A mares that lived. Even with this impressive pedigree, Mr. Goodrich took the time to see not only Dyrin Goldf1ake but numerous of his get. Two mares were also imported in foal to Dyrin Goldf1ake being Wentworth Silver Cream (above) (producing Texas Silver Lady) and Meifod Tlws 1533 F.S.II (Coed Coch Tlws x Meifod Folly) who was a double granddaughter of Coed Coch Glyndwr (producing Texas Jewel). The int1uence of Dyrin Goldf1ake can be seen mostly in the ponies that he produced for the Duchess of Rutland's Belvoir Stud. Revel Gold's inf1uence can still be strongly seen when you visit the Goodrich Ranch and see Western Sir David 20992 (Revel Gold x Texas Gee Gee) who will be discussed later in the article.
Another sub-family of this breeding group was Dyrin Duchess 2899 (9523) (Criban Winston x Criban Cosy) with a dam line that traces to Ness Commander and Grove Sprightly (Bledfa Shooting Star). Her daughter. Dyrin Amanda 2897 (11171) (Craven Dandy x) and her more than half sister Dyrin Jewel 2898 (10810) (Craven Dandy x Dyrin Rosette) since Dyrin Rosette was also out of Criban Cosy were also imported. Twyford Rainbow 3269 (11186) (Craven Dandy x Dyrin Rosette) also came with her sister Dyrin Jewel.
Two other daughters of Bolgoed Squire were also imported in 1955. They were Revel Snowcream 1935 (9671) (x Revel Snowflake II) foaled in 1948 grey roan and Revel Vine 2205 (9492) (x Revel Vintage) foaled in 1948 grey mare. The dams of both of these mares were of different breeding BUT both were of the oldest mountain stock. Goodrich did consider these mares to be in his top 7 producing mares. Revel Snowcream came over in foal to Twyford Moonshine producing the stallion Texas Snow Crop 2124 (picture WPSA Stud Book Vol. VI page 103). Revel Vine came over in foal to Coed Coch Glyndwr and produced Texas Violet 2423. Revel Vine did produce two foals while Goodrich was still alive that he considered in his "top three" of each foal crop.
The oldest mare that Goodrich imported was also of this family. being Touchstone of Sansaw 2014 (8962) (Grove Sprightly x Grove Limestone) born in 1934. grey and 11 1/2 hands. Touchstone was considered by Goodrich as one of his top producing mares. While in the United Kingdom Touchstone produced such Welsh greats as Dinas Moonstone. Revel Hailstone and Mountain Tess. Touchstone came to this country in foal to Twyford Moonshine (Coed Coch Glyndwr x Dinas Moonstone) her grandson! In Goodrich's notebooks he notes "Breed to Bolgoed Squire for better head or Dana." Sadly. this was never done.
A granddaughter of this great mare also came over being Twyford Mayfair 2906 (10768) (Dinarth Greylight x Dinas Moonstone). Dinarth Greylight traces back to the oldest of Welsh breeding being Dyoll Starlight (4) and Klondyke (12). Twyford Mischief 2907 (10769) (Dinarth Greylight x Twyford Mistletoe) was imported. Twyford Mistletoe was by Clan Dana out of Dinas Moonstone.

The next major family of ponies that came to Lampasas were ponies closely related to Coed Coch Glyndwr. Definitely this was the largest of the families including six sons and daughters. In retrospect, we can all clearly see that the influence of Coed Coch Glyndwr upon the Goodrich imports was no heavier than what you could find in breeders in the United Kingdom , both today and in the past. Certainly just as Welsh breeders throughout the world have been impressed with the get of Coed Coch Glyndwr. So was Robert Goodrich.
Clan Dana 1928 (1907) (x Wentworth Grey Dapples 459 F.S.II) has proven over the years what a truly great stallion he was. not only did he produce top notch ponies at the Texas Stud but he went on to Alra Farm and was Mrs. Hick's foundation stallion. Definitely Mr. Goodrich's comments upon seeing Dana sum it all up. "THIS. dappled grey, beautiful. Prominent eye, big nostril, beautiful eye." In all the comments that Mr. Goodrich made in his many notebooks (well over 75 ponies), I do not remember seeing the word "beautiful" so many times. While at the Texas Stud he produced over 30 foals including Texas Goodrich Queen 5424 (x Criban Sonnet) whose blood can be found today at the Goodrich Ranch. Texas Goodrich Queen's dam Criban Sonnet 2901 (10240) (Owain Glyndwr x Criban Lyric) foaled 1953 grey mare was sired by the influential stallion at the Goodrich Ranch, Owain Glyndwr. His half sister Clan Dilys 1936 (10317) (Llanerch Squirrel x Wentworth Grey Dapples) also came to this country. A Clan Dana son that has contributed not only through his get but also show ring record is Texas Bright Light 2424 (Revel Bright Dawn). Texas Bright Light was considered a junior sire at the Goodrich Ranch and had a number of foals. Revel Bright Dawn 2013 (9243) (Revel Lookout x Revel Dawn) was a double granddaughter of Criban Chief. Another son of Revel Bright Dawn by Owain Glyndwr, Texas Celtic, also became a herd sire and show pony.
Of the many ponies that Mr. Goodrich imported to this country one of several that I would liked to have seen in the flesh was Daffodil 2204 (9506) (Coed Coch Glyndwr x Wentworth Grey Dapples). Daffodil was considered a Section B pony in the United Kingdom and was shown as a riding pony that won much in the performance ring. In one conversation with Jean Shemilt (Rowfantina Stud) I remember one of her first questions about Welsh ponies that she had "known" that had come to this country, Daffodil was mentioned. Even though Mr. Goodrich's interests were in Section A ponies his interests were in the "all-round pony". Welsh ponies may be the "small work of art" of the equine world and we can talk about "perfect" conformation and "perfect" pedigrees but one thing that Mr. Goodrich definitely "imported" from his knowledge of Quarter Horses and cattle was the usefulness that ponies must have. Part of all the journals that Mr. Goodrich filled out on all the animals that he saw in the United States and the United Kingdom included a very large space for "DISPOSITION". Mr. Goodrich's comments about Daffodil say it all: "Head broad, no dish, but not long; ears SHORT; eyes big; neck "Cresty" but pony fat; big feet with four black feet. Disposition: Prizes-many under saddle. A well balanced BIG mare. Might produce good colts." Of all the ponies that Daffodil produced certainly her "work of art" was Texas Daisy 2422 (Coed Coch Glyndwr x). Bred to her sire Daffodil produced a pony that not only had an extremely beautiful head but one of the best ponies that the Texas Stud produced. Texas Daisy's get includes Bristol Sun God who has won much both in halter and performance.
It is interesting to note when Mr. Goodrich wrote in his journal what he thought a "riding pony" should have for conformation and type there was little difference from what his "Mountain ponies" should have! The only points that were different is that he stressed the size of hearth girth. nostrils LARGE. head not too short with very clean throat. width of heel, and that feet must be black on "riding ponies". The only other points that he brought up were shoulders must not be flat and movement must have more presence and carriage. the world would disagree with his insights.
In William Simpson's article about the Goodrich Ranch in Welsh Lore he says the following: "Mr. Goodrich had several discussions with me about ponies in Wales and he heard me talk about the little sire, Owain Glyndwr, a son of Coed Coch Glyndwr that Emrys Griffiths had on my first trip over, I priced the stallion as I liked his foals but Emrys said he could not part with him. I was surprised. therefore. when Mr. Goodrich wrote to me on October 21st that he had purchased him. His gain was Wales ' loss as I still consider Owain Glyndwr a sire of great ability and producing the true Welsh Mountain type, especially in the head and expression." Mr. Goodrich's comments about Owain Glyndwr 2908 (1889) (Coed Coch Glyndwr x Wentworth Stormy Petrel) stressed that Owain Glyndwr had good conformation. straight legs and plenty of bone. Obviously, Mr. Goodrich was "taken" with Owain Glyndwr because he imported two of his daughters being Criba'n Sonnet (above) and Criban Tina 2902 (10994) (x Criban Windfall F.S.II 789) foaled 1953 bay mare. Owain Glyndwr's dam Wentworth Stormy Petrel 1928 (9224) (Wentworth Greyshot x Wentworth Grey Stormy) foaled 1937 grey mare also came to Lampasas in 1955. Wentworth Stormy Petrel's pedigree is very simple and very inbred. Wentworth Greyshot was by Wentworth Springlight (Dyoll Starlight x Lady Greylight) out of Lady Greylight whose grandsire was Dyoll Starlight. Wentworth Grey Stormy was by Wentworth Springlight out of Lady Greylight! Mr. Goodrich considered Wentworth Stormy Petrel his top mare and top producing mare in 1958. Her daughter Clan Puffin 1937 (10514) (Clan Dubail x) also came to this country along with her half sister Clan Girl 1924 (10513) out of Wentworth Glynda. Clan Dubail (2110) was a Coed Coch Glyndwr son out of Wentworth Grey Dapples (Craven Cyrus x Wentworth Spotless). A Craven Cyrus (King Cyrus (Arab) x Irfon Iron Twilight) daughter also came to this country being Highland Gem 2008 (9178) (x Welsh Homage) who traces to Cob breeding on the dam line through Ceitho Welsh Comet who can be found not only in Cob pedigrees but also Section B breeding.
Perhaps the most famous of the Coed Coch Glyndwr get imported by Robert Goodrich was Wentworth Glynda (780 F.S.II) (Tan- Y -Bwlch Penllyn). Wentworth Glynda was bred by Lady Wentworth who owned among other Welsh greats Dyoll Starlight. Wentworth Glynda and her dam Tan- Y -Bwlch Pen llyn (Tan- Y -Bwlch Berwyn x Tan- Y -Bwlch Penwen) were owned by Mr. Goodrich's good friend A.R. McNaught (Clan Stud). Wentworth Glynda's half sister Clan Peata (781 F.S.II) (Duhonw Emperor x Tan- Y -Bwlch Penllyn) was also purchased and considered by Robert Goodrich as one of his better mares. Duhonw Emperor (Caer Beris King Cole x Beauty) traces to old Grove breeding (Grove Sprite II) and Dyoll Starlight through Henallt Blackie. Clan Peata's half sister by Duhonw Emperor, Wee Tinsel 1942 (9439) (x Llwyn Tinsigl) was also purchased. The dam line of this pony goes directly back to Dyoll Starlight.
Even though Wentworth Glynda was a Section B pony by current British standards, she produced some of the best Section A ponies that this country has seen. While in the United Kingdom Glynda produced four foals, two of which Robert Goodrich purchased (Clan Glomadh and Clan Girl). While at the Texas Stud she produced 9 foals mostly by Revel Gold. In 1966 Glynda went to Coleman Cowan's Double C Farm where she went on to have another 5 foals. Her last foal was produced in her 28th year for a total of 19 foals in 25 years! Her American "children" include such famous ponies as Texas Gold, CC Fury, CC Glenda, CC Fancy Nancy and CC Dainty Doll who has produced so many lovely ponies for Jim Cloe's farm. The blood of Wentworth Glynda can still be found at the Texas Stud through her great-grandson Western Pride.
If you were to pick a "favorite" stallion that was imported to the Texas Stud. I would certainly pick Clan Glomadh 1927 (2109) (Criban Pledge x Wentworth Glynda). I saw him for the first time when he was n his early thirties at the Tylwyth Pony Farm. I had seen his grandson Clan Dash 10350 (3265) (Clan Tony x Clan Dot (Clan Glomadh x Wentworth Grey Dapples)) in his twenties and had been greatly impressed but seeing Clan Glomadh for the first time was truly an experience! Of all the Welsh ponies that I have seen, I have never seen a pony with a better loin. top line and four very solid underpinnings! Robert Goodrich's opinions upon seeing him as a four year old "Criban head, pretty, good jaw. prominent eye, dish face, ears short. Good legs and bone. Good thigh and gaskins with GOOD movement. BACK-SHORTEST ALIVE (Me). Disposition_ Bit Mc. THIS." Even in his 30's Glomadh was still a fireball but he didn't seem to try to bite anyone (temperance of age) but all the fire. presence and movement was still there! The list of famous Glomadh "children" include such as Western Glow, Texas Glamyr, Texas Easter Dawn, Texas Mayfair. Texas Ruth and Texas Squire to. mention just a few. His half sister Wentworth Silver Trill 1940 (10216) (Criban Pledge x Wentworth Silver Toy) was also a granddaughter of Wentworth Silver Cream.
About 8 years ago I saw a picture in an old Welsh Pony Society of America Yearbook of an incredibly curly haired black pony that intrigued me. The picture definitely didn't do the pony "justice" but the lovely head and tiny ears showed what a "Welshman" he was. On a visit to Texas and Louisiana a few years later, I got to see the products of this stallion. I was able to go through three fairly sizeable pony herds and pick out his get! While at the Goodrich Ranch I got to see his lesser "carbon copy" being TSEW Sir Robert or "Robby" as he was known, the childhood mount of several of Robert Goodrich's grandchildren. In February of 1958, Robert Goodrich saw this yearling and gave him a "stamp of approval" with all parts of the pony being at least ""OK" but under disposition he states "Very gentle and a nice pony". This pony is Hartmoor Rhymer 2900 (2553) (Gredington Ffafryn x Criban Sonnet). Robert Goodrich had purchased this pony's mother, grandmother and grandsire!
Several mares that came to the Goodrich Ranch do not fit neatly into the family groups that Mr. Goodrich imported but proved to be important ponies. Revel Glamour Girl 2012 (97I3)(Square Flashlight x Revel Glamour) was a grey mare foaled in 1948. Square Flashlight was by Bowdler Bright Boy (Bowdler Brightlight grandson) out of Square Brilliant (Grove King Cole II granddaughter). Revel Glamour traces back to old Forest breeding and Criban Chief. Her "aunt" I guess you would say was Square Flight 1938 (9118) (Bowdler Bright Boy x Square Berilliant) was imported in 1955. Her picture appears in Vol. V of the Welsh Pony Society of America Studbook on page 278. One of the most expensive ponies that Mr. Goodrich purchased was Ankerwycke Criban Snowdon 1933 (9555) (Criban Atom x Ankerwycke Snowdon ) a black mare who traces to the "colorful"' family of Snowdon Arian II who came over in foal to Criban Victor (Texas Mountaineer). Notes in Mr. Goodrich's notebooks say "Next time mate to Revel Gold for palomino."
Two daughters of Revel Revolt (1760) (Llwyn Tomtit Revel Dawn) came to this country. Llwyn Tomtit was a grandson of one of the most beautiful Dyoll Starlight grandsons being Kilhendre Celtic Silverlight (953) who was by Bledfa Shooting Star (73). More about this beautiful pony can be found in Wynne Davies' Welsh Ponies and Cobs. Cui Ringlet 2905 (10291)(x Criban Ruth) combined the best of the old Criban blood that traces back to Criban Shot (1276) who can be found in many American pedigrees. Her daughter Cui Choice 2904 (9604) (Eryri Eryl x) also came to this country. Her half sister Cui Rachel 1925 (10511) (x Criban Rachel) was more than a "Half-sister" since Criban Ruth was out of Criban Rachel! Another mare of this "family" was Revel Bright Dawn 2013 (9243)(Revel Look-out x Revel Dawn) being a half sister to Revel Revolt. Revel Bright Dawn produced the stallion Texas Celtic by Owain Glyndwr.
Other mares of this old Criban breeding include Criban White Wings 2207 (9197)(Criban Grey Grit x Criban White Jane). Her daughter. Sian Gwalchmai 2206 (10496) (Cwmowen Commander x Criban White Wings) was another mare of great beauty who proved to be a good producer for Robert Goodrich. A double Criban Grey Grit granddaughter bares mentioning in this family being Criban Lyric 2913 (9628) (Criban D Day x Criban Footlight). Criban Grey Chip 2910 (9898)(Criban Priority x Criban Red Chip) is also a Criban Grey Grit granddaughter. Criban Blue Print 2912 (11191) (Ceulan Revolt x Criban White Paper) "fits" into several families since she is a granddaughter of Coed Coch Glyndwr and Criban Priority plus great granddaughter of Bolgoed Squire!
As you may have already noted, ponies of Texas Stud were a close knit group of with a few out crosses. Perhaps a page of Robert Goodrich's last diary will sum up some of his ideas.
"Could replace Frolic & Gold" "Should analyze foals in 1958 and sell some mares." This was the last of the diaries that were kept that I saw.
1958 Top Mares 1. Stormy 2. Dylis 3; Girl 4. Glynda 5. Puffin 6. Sian 7. Sonnet 8. Tina 9. Tlws 10. Trill Fillies 1956 1. Carbon Copy 2. Gee Gee 3. Jewel 4. Silver Lady 1957 1. Ruth 2. Jennifer 3. Violet 4. Sappo 5. Blue Print 6. Mayfair
Top Producing 1. Bright Dawn 2. Copy 3. Rachel 4. Snowcream 5. Tinsel 6. Touchstone 7. Vine 8. White Pool 9. White Wings 10. Lyric
Top 2yr.+ year 1. Carbon Copy 2. Jewel \ 3. Sian's yearling 4. Vine's yearling 7. Blackberry 8. Amanda 9. Choice 10. Daisy 11. Punkin 12. Dove
The Goodrich Ranch is still very alive and producing some lovely Welsh ponies. Gavin Garrett continues much of the ranch's breeding principles under the Western prefix. The breeding of part-bred Welsh Quarter Horses from the days of Robert Goodrich's Quarter Horse herd also continues. Gavin's son David has continued not only his interest in the ranch but also Welsh ponies under the prefix TSEW. In talking to David I not only felt a tremendous interest in his family "roots" but also in the Welsh ponies. Without the interest and time of both Gavin Garrett and his son David, this article would have been impossible. I clearly remember walking out to one of the stallion traps with David and a plain crossbred Quarter Horse gelding followed us. David turned to the gelding and said "See he is covered with ticks. He is a ranch hand's mount. None of the Welsh ponies have ticks. Even our part- Welsh Quarter Horses don't have ticks." The pride in his voice seemed to echo all that we had seen.
Currently the Goodrich Ranch’s standing three stallions. The only non-pure Goodrich Ranch imported stallion to stand at the ranch is Allen Arabie 26771 (Texas Brightlight x Pickwick Alison) with the dam line including the blood of Marsh Silver Cities who was a Daffodil grandson. Western Pride 20991 (Western Glow x Revel May Flower) is by the AHSA Champion Western Glow. Western Glow has an interesting but sad story. Western Glow was purchased by Cherry and sadly before she could pick him up some of the "Hired hands" accidentally gelded the wrong pen of ponies including Western Glow. Western Glow is by Clan Glomadh out of Texas Gee Gee 2126 (Bwlch Stanley x Revel Glamour Girl) thus intensifying not only the blood of Coed Coch Glyndwr but also the best of old Criban blood. Revel May Flower 2009 (9789)(Revel Hailstone x Revel Snowflake II) was sired by Revel Hailstone who was by Coed Coch Glyndwr out of Touchstone of Sansaw. The dam line includes such ponies as Criban Chief, Llwyn Tomtit and very old Forest breeding. His daughter Western Blanco (x Texas Gee Gee) is the kind of mare that my "pony counting" husband said "Wow! Is she for sale?"! Western Sugar Plum 19763 (Western Glow x Texas Gee Gee) was one of the loveliest mares in the broodmare band. Western Sir David 20992 (Revel Gold x Texas Gee Gee) also stands at stud and I was very taken not only by his type but beautiful dun color. His son Western Hawk (x Western Blanco) is a gelding of "stallion material" that could "wow" any show ring in the United States !
After spending hours with the pedigrees of the ponies of the Texas Stud. studying pictures and seeing many of the ponies in the flesh, I definitely had a sense of bitterness. Why did Robert Goodrich die so young? So many of his ideas could have changed the history of Welsh ponies in the United States . There are so many questions I would have loved to ask him that haunt the back of my mind. Who would he have bred Texas Ruth to? Who did he intend to replace Revel Gold and Revel Frolic with? Would he have been thrilled with Texas Flair? Would he have started to breed Section B ponies? How would Robert Goodrich feel about a "stranger" such as myself reading his personal diaries on his beloved ponies?
Time changes all things. Even though Cherry and I never met Robert Goodrich (he died in 1959), we "know" him. Cherry. my husband and I spent three short hours pouring over his notebooks while driving around the ranch that he created. David Garrett (his grandson) couldn't come with us because there had been an outbreak of illness in the cattle. Robert Goodrich would have understood. We could feel Robert Goodrich not only in the ponies that we saw but in the land around us. One man's dream has stopped time.
NOTE: This article was written before the farm was dispersed.
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